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School bags: every child needs one. A real bag of their own, that they can bring to school. A school bag is often your son or daughter's first own bag, which is why a children's school bag should be as nice as possible! Finding an original school bag for primary school is not always easy. After all, many children have the same kind of bag. At Bulbby, we think originality and quality are very important. That's why you can use this webshop to buy your own school bag for primary school with your child's name on it.


The school bags are manufactured in high quality and printed with the logo of your choice. This makes a school bag for children with a name super original!


At Bulbby we have many different types of school bags. We have cool school bags for kids of all ages! Our school bags are of high quality. If you take a look at the overview of our children's bags, you will certainly find something you like. As you can choose your own name logo, you can personalise the bag exactly as you wish. That's why we offer cool kids bags, nice kids bags and bags for kids of all ages. For toddlers, the 0-6 year old backpack is incredibly soft and practical. For the first day of school, it's perfect for a lunch box, a drinking cup and an apple. It is therefore an excellent schoolbag for a child starting school! The classic mini backpack is also small in size, making it the ideal school bag for a 4 year old.

For older children, we also have a number of bags available. The junior backpack is a practical school bag for a 6 or 8 year old. This backpack is just a little bigger than the 0-6 backpack. When children need to bring their own pencil case or diary to school, for example, the junior backpack has a convenient size for it.


Bulbby bags come in different sizes. We have several large school bags, but also small school bags. We even have two different sizes of some models: large and small.

The 0-6 backpack is a small bag for children that fits just enough for a day at school. There is enough room to carry a few items. The name of the backpack, 0-6 years, indicates that the backpack is suitable for smaller children.

We offer the junior backpack in two sizes, the normal junior backpack and the large junior backpack. The large junior backpack falls into the category of large school bags, as it can easily hold an A4 folder!

A small school bag, for example, is our classic small backpack. We haven't had this bag in our range for very long, but it is already extremely popular. Maybe it's because of the pretty colours in which this bag is available: mint and pink. The classic large backpack is more in the category of large school bags and is suitable for slightly older children.

Our urban backpack is a trendy shoulder bag. This urban backpack definitely falls into the category of large bags for children, as it is sometimes even used by adults! Its spacious size and sturdy exterior make it an ideal bag for carrying a laptop.


Looking for a cool school bag for boys? We thought of that too, so we sell bags for boys with cool prints and solid quality. These bags can take a beating! And if girls want a nice girl's bag, that's of course also possible. In addition to nice pink schoolbags for girls, we also offer special prints for girls. From hearts, flowers and butterflies to crowns, everything is available for girls.


At Bulbby, we believe it is very important to sell good quality school bags. A sturdy school bag is especially important for children; the school bag often has to endure! They carry school supplies, food and sometimes even a few toys.

A good school bag for primary school is often quite a search. But; Bulbby has the solution! The school bags are not only of solid quality, they are also all printed with your child's name. You don't have to pay anything extra for this printing and, additionally the print will never go away. These sturdy school bags are perfect for primary school! We often hear that the bags last for years, and on top of that you always get a guarantee, up to one year after your purchase.


Are you looking forward to buying a Bulbby school bag with name? Then choose the bag you want to design and order above or on our kids backpacks page. Ordering a schoolbag is very simple: in the design tool you will immediately see a preview. In addition, all our payment options are free of charge and we ship your order as soon as possible. Your order will be shipped within two working days at the latest!